Are We Hackers Yet?

Tracking the availability of Kali Linux packages in NixOS

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Contribute to the NixOS packaging efforts at nixpkgs#81418.

Checked for nixpkgs@cf53751a16df6ae52eb3be7019aa9c34017e490b

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
aircrack-ng wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities aircrack-ng-1.7
airgeddon multi-use bash script for Linux systems to audit wireless networks airgeddon-11.11
asleap A tool for exploiting Cisco LEAP networks asleap-unstable-2021-06-20
bully Implementation of the WPS brute force attack, written in C bully-1.4-00
cowpatty Brute-force WPA dictionary attack cowpatty-4.8
eapmd5pass Tool for extracting and cracking EAP-MD5 Not found
fern-wifi-cracker Automated Wi-Fi cracker Not found
freeradius-wpe FreeRadius Wireless Pawn Edition freeradius-3.2.3
hashcat World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility hashcat-6.2.6
hostapd-wpe Modified hostapd to facilitate AP impersonation attacks Not found
iw tool for configuring Linux wireless devices iw-5.19
kismet wireless network and device detector (metapackage) kismet-2023-07-R1
macchanger utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces macchanger-1.7.0
mdk3 Wireless attack tool for IEEE 802.11 networks Not found
mdk4 Wireless attack tool for IEEE 802.11 networks mdk4-unstable-2021-04-27
pixiewps Offline WPS bruteforce tool pixiewps-1.4.2
reaver brute force attack tool against Wi-Fi Protected Setup PIN number reaver-wps-1.4
wifi-honey Wi-Fi honeypot Not found
wifite Python script to automate wireless auditing using aircrack-ng tools wifite2-2.6.0

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
bluelog Bluetooth scanner and logger Not found
blueranger Simple Bash script to locate Bluetooth devices Not found
bluesnarfer A Bluesnarfing Utility Not found
bluez Bluetooth tools and daemons bluez-5.70
bluez-hcidump Analyses Bluetooth HCI packets Not found
btscanner ncurses-based scanner for Bluetooth devices Not found
crackle Crack and decrypt BLE encryption crackle-unstable-2020-12-13
redfang Locates non-discoverable bluetooth devices redfang-2.5
spooftooph Automates spoofing or cloning Bluetooth devices Not found
ubertooth 2.4 GHz wireless development platform for Bluetooth experimentation ubertooth-2020-12-R1

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
aesfix tool for correcting bit errors in an AES key schedule aesfix-1.0.1
aeskeyfind tool for locating AES keys in a captured memory image aeskeyfind-1.0
ccrypt secure encryption and decryption of files and streams ccrypt-1.11
outguess universal steganographic tool Not found
steghide steganography hiding tool steghide-
stegsnow steganography using ASCII files Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
jsql-injection Java tool for automatic database injection Not found
mdbtools JET / MS Access database (MDB) tools mdbtools-1.0.0
oscanner Oracle assessment framework Not found
sidguesser Guesses sids against an Oracle database Not found
sqldict Dictionary attack tool for SQL Server Not found
sqlitebrowser GUI editor for SQLite databases sqlitebrowser-3.12.2
sqlmap automatic SQL injection tool python3.11-sqlmap-1.8
sqlninja SQL server injection and takeover tool Not found
sqlsus MySQL injection tool Not found
tnscmd10g Tool to prod the oracle tnslsnr process Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
grokevt scripts for reading Microsoft Windows event log files Not found
sentrypeer SIP peer to peer honeypot for VoIP Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
armitage Cyber attack management for Metasploit armitage-unstable-2022-12-05
beef-xss Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) Not found
exploitdb Searchable Exploit Database archive exploitdb-2023-12-22
metasploit-framework Framework for exploit development and vulnerability research metasploit-framework-6.3.48
msfpc MSFvenom Payload Creator (MSFPC) msfpc-1.4.5
set Social-Engineer Toolkit social-engineer-toolkit-8.0.3
shellnoob Shellcode writing toolkit shellnoob-unstable-2022-03-16
sqlmap automatic SQL injection tool python3.11-sqlmap-1.8
termineter Smart meter testing framework Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
afflib-tools Advanced Forensics Format Library (utilities) afflib-3.7.20
apktool tool for reverse engineering Android apk files apktool-2.9.2
autopsy graphical interface to SleuthKit Not found
binwalk tool library for analyzing binary blobs and executable code python3.11-binwalk-full-2.3.4
bulk-extractor Not found
bytecode-viewer Java 8+ Jar & Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite Not found
cabextract Microsoft Cabinet file unpacker cabextract-1.11
chkrootkit rootkit detector chkrootkit-0.58b
creddump7 Python tool to extract credentials and secrets from Windows registry hives Not found
dc3dd patched version of GNU dd with forensic features Not found
dcfldd enhanced version of dd for forensics and security dcfldd-1.3.4-1
ddrescue data recovery and protection tool ddrescue-1.27
dumpzilla Mozilla browser forensic tool Not found
edb-debugger cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger Not found
ewf-tools collection of tools for reading and writing EWF files Not found
exifprobe read metadata from digital pictures exifprobe-unstable-2018-06-19
exiv2 EXIF/IPTC/XMP metadata manipulation tool exiv2-0.28.1
ext3grep tool to help recover deleted files on ext3 filesystems Not found
ext4magic recover deleted files from ext3 or ext4 partitions ext4magic-0.3.2
extundelete utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition extundelete-0.2.4
fcrackzip password cracker for zip archives fcrackzip-1.0
firmware-mod-kit Deconstruct and reconstruct firmware images Not found
foremost forensic program to recover lost files foremost-1.5.7
forensic-artifacts knowledge base of forensic artifacts (data files) Not found
forensics-colorize show differences between files using color graphics Not found
galleta Internet Explorer cookie forensic analysis tool Not found
gdb GNU Debugger gdb-13.2
gpart Guess PC disk partition table, find lost partitions gpart-0.3
gparted GNOME partition editor gparted-1.5.0
grokevt scripts for reading Microsoft Windows event log files Not found
guymager Forensic imaging tool based on Qt Not found
hashdeep recursively compute hashsums or piecewise hashings hashdeep-4.4
inetsim Software suite for simulating common internet services Not found
jadx Dex to Java decompiler jadx-1.4.7
javasnoop Intercept Java applications locally Not found
libhivex-bin utilities for reading and writing Windows Registry hives hivex-1.3.23
libsmali-java assembler/disassembler for Android's dex format Not found
lvm2 Linux Logical Volume Manager lvm2-2.03.22
lynis security auditing tool for Unix based systems lynis-3.0.9
mac-robber collects data about allocated files in mounted filesystems Not found
magicrescue recover files by looking for magic bytes Not found
md5deep Not found
mdbtools JET / MS Access database (MDB) tools mdbtools-1.0.0
memdump utility to dump memory contents to standard output Not found
metacam extract EXIF information from digital camera files Not found
missidentify find win32 applications Not found
myrescue rescue data from damaged disks Not found
nasm General-purpose x86 assembler nasm-2.16.01
nasty tool which helps you to recover your GPG passphrase nasty-0.6
ollydbg 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger Not found
p7zip-full 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio p7zip-17.05
parted disk partition manipulator parted-3.6
pasco Internet Explorer cache forensic analysis tool Not found
pdf-parser Parses PDF files to identify fundamental elements pdf-parser-0.7.4
pdfid Scans PDF files for certain PDF keywords Not found
pev text-based tool to analyze PE files pev-unstable-2020-05-23
plaso super timeline all the things -- metapackage Not found
polenum Extracts the password policy from a Windows system Not found
pst-utils tools for reading Microsoft Outlook PST files Not found
python3-capstone lightweight multi-architecture disassembly framework - Python bindings python3.11-capstone-4.0.2
python3-dfdatetime Digital Forensics date and time library for Python 3 Not found
python3-dfvfs Digital Forensics Virtual File System Not found
python3-dfwinreg Digital Forensics Windows Registry library for Python 3 Not found
python3-distorm3 powerful disassembler library for x86/AMD64 binary streams (Python3 bindings) python3.11-distorm3-3.5.2
radare2 free and advanced command line hexadecimal editor radare2-5.8.8
recoverdm recover files on disks with damaged sectors Not found
recoverjpeg recover JFIF (JPEG) pictures and MOV movies recoverjpeg-2.6.3
reglookup utility to analysis for Windows NT-based registry Not found
regripper perform forensic analysis of registry hives Not found
rephrase Specialized passphrase recovery tool for GnuPG Not found
rifiuti MS Windows recycle bin analysis tool Not found
rifiuti2 replacement for rifiuti, a MS Windows recycle bin analysis tool Not found
rizin-cutter reverse engineering platform powered by rizin Not found
rkhunter rootkit, backdoor, sniffer and exploit scanner Not found
rsakeyfind locates BER-encoded RSA private keys in memory images Not found
rz-ghidra ghidra decompiler and sleigh disassembler for rizin Not found
safecopy data recovery tool for problematic or damaged media safecopy-1.7
samdump2 Dump Windows 2k/NT/XP password hashes Not found
scalpel fast filesystem-independent file recovery Not found
scrounge-ntfs Data recovery program for NTFS filesystems Not found
sleuthkit tools for forensics analysis on volume and filesystem data sleuthkit-4.12.1
sqlitebrowser GUI editor for SQLite databases sqlitebrowser-3.12.2
ssdeep recursive piecewise hashing tool ssdeep-2.14.1
tcpdump command-line network traffic analyzer tcpdump-4.99.4
tcpflow TCP flow recorder tcpflow-1.6.1
tcpick TCP stream sniffer and connection tracker Not found
tcpreplay Tool to replay saved tcpdump files at arbitrary speeds tcpreplay-4.4.4
truecrack Bruteforce password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes truecrack-3.6
undbx tool to extract, recover and undelete e-mail messages from .dbx files Not found
unhide forensic tool to find hidden processes and ports Not found
unrar | unar unrar-6.2.12
upx-ucl efficient live-compressor for executables Not found
vinetto forensics tool to examine Thumbs.db files Not found
wce Not found
winregfs Windows registry FUSE filesystem Not found
wireshark network traffic analyzer - graphical interface wireshark-qt-4.2.2
xmount tool for crossmounting between disk image formats Not found
xplico Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) Not found
yara Pattern matching swiss knife for malware researchers yara-4.4.0

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
afl++ instrumentation-driven fuzzer for binary formats aflplusplus-4.09c
sfuzz Black Box testing utilities Not found
spike Network protocol fuzzer spike-1.1.0
wfuzz Web application bruteforcer python3.11-wfuzz-3.1.0

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
oclgausscrack Cracks verification hashes of the Gauss Virus Not found
truecrack Bruteforce password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes truecrack-3.6

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
binwalk tool library for analyzing binary blobs and executable code python3.11-binwalk-full-2.3.4
cutecom Graphical serial terminal, like minicom cutecom-0.51.0+patch
flashrom Identify, read, write, erase, and verify BIOS/ROM/flash chips flashrom-1.3.0
minicom Friendly menu driven serial communication program minicom-2.9
openocd Open on-chip JTAG/SWD debug solution for embedded target devices openocd-0.12.0
qemu-system-x86 QEMU full system emulation binaries (x86) Not found
qemu-user QEMU user mode emulation binaries Not found
radare2 free and advanced command line hexadecimal editor radare2-5.8.8
rizin-cutter reverse engineering platform powered by rizin Not found
rz-ghidra ghidra decompiler and sleigh disassembler for rizin Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
amass In-depth DNS Enumeration and Network Mapping amass-4.2.0
assetfinder Find domains and subdomains related to a given domain Not found
cisco-auditing-tool Scans Cisco routers for vulnerabilities Not found
defectdojo security orchestration and vulnerability management platform Not found
exploitdb Searchable Exploit Database archive exploitdb-2023-12-22
hb-honeypot Heartbleed Honeypot Script Not found
kali-autopilot tool for automatic attack scripts in Kali Not found
maltego maltego-4.6.0
maryam OWASP Maryam is a modular/optional open source framework bas Not found
nipper-ng Device security configuration review tool Not found
osrframework Open Sources Research Framework Not found
spiderfoot OSINT collection and reconnaissance tool Not found
tiger security auditing and intrusion detection tools for Linux Not found
wapiti web application vulnerability scanner wapiti-3.1.8
witnessme Web Inventory tool Not found
zaproxy Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications zap-2.14.0

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
0trace traceroute tool that can run within an existing TCP connection Not found
arping | iputils-arping arping-2.24
braa Mass SNMP scanner braa-0.82
dmitry Deepmagic Information Gathering Tool Not found
dnsenum tool to enumerate domain DNS information dnsenum-
dnsmap DNS domain name brute forcing tool Not found
dnsrecon Powerful DNS enumeration script dnsrecon-1.1.5
dnstracer trace DNS queries to the source dnstracer-1.10
dnswalk Checks dns zone information using nameserver lookups Not found
enum4linux Enumerates info from Windows and Samba systems enum4linux-0.9.1
fierce Domain DNS scanner fierce-1.5.0
firewalk active reconnaissance network security tool firewalk-5.0
fping sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts fping-5.1
fragrouter IDS evasion toolkit Not found
ftester Tool for testing firewalls and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Not found
hping3 Active Network Smashing Tool hping-2014-12-26
ike-scan discover and fingerprint IKE hosts (IPsec VPN Servers) ike-scan-1.9.5
intrace Traceroute-like application piggybacking on existing TCP connections Not found
irpas Not found
lbd Load balancer detector Not found
legion semi-automated network penetration testing tool Not found
maltego maltego-4.6.0
masscan TCP port scanner masscan-1.3.2
metagoofil Tool designed for extracting metadata of public documents Not found
nbtscan scan networks searching for NetBIOS information Not found
ncat Not found
netdiscover active/passive network address scanner using ARP requests netdiscover-0.10
netmask helps determine network masks netmask-2.4.4
nmap nmap-7.94
onesixtyone fast and simple SNMP scanner onesixtyone-unstable-2019-12-26
p0f Passive OS fingerprinting tool p0f-3.09b
qsslcaudit test SSL/TLS clients how secure they are Not found
recon-ng Web Reconnaissance framework written in Python Not found
smbmap handy SMB enumeration tool smbmap-1.9.2
smtp-user-enum Username guessing tool for the SMTP service Not found
snmpcheck SNMP service enumeration tool net-snmp-5.9.4
ssldump SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer ssldump-1.7
sslh Applicative protocol multiplexer sslh-2.0.1
sslscan Fast SSL scanner sslscan-2.1.2
sslyze Fast and full-featured SSL scanner Not found
swaks SMTP command-line test tool swaks-20201014.0
thc-ipv6 The Hacker Choice's IPv6 Attack Toolkit thc-ipv6-3.8
theharvester tool for gathering e-mail accounts and subdomain names from public sources theharvester-4.5.0
tlssled Evaluates the security of a target SSL/TLS (HTTPS) server Not found
twofi Twitter words of interest Not found
unicornscan Userland distributed TCP/IP stack Not found
urlcrazy Not found
wafw00f identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall products wafw00f-2.2.0

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
cewl custom word list generator cewl-5.5.2
chntpw NT SAM password recovery utility chntpw-140201
cisco-auditing-tool Scans Cisco routers for vulnerabilities Not found
cmospwd decrypt BIOS passwords from CMOS cmospwd-5.1
crackle Crack and decrypt BLE encryption crackle-unstable-2020-12-13
creddump7 Python tool to extract credentials and secrets from Windows registry hives Not found
crunch tool for creating wordlist crunch-3.6
fcrackzip password cracker for zip archives fcrackzip-1.0
freerdp2-x11 RDP client for Windows Terminal Services (X11 client) Not found
gpp-decrypt Group Policy Preferences decrypter Not found
hash-identifier Tool to identify hash types hash-identifier-1.2
hashcat World's fastest and most advanced password recovery utility hashcat-6.2.6
hashcat-utils Set of small utilities for advanced password cracking hashcat-utils-1.9
hashid Identify the different types of hashes used to encrypt data Not found
hydra very fast network logon cracker thc-hydra-9.5
hydra-gtk very fast network logon cracker - GTK+ based GUI thc-hydra-9.5
john active password cracking tool john-1.9.0-jumbo-1
johnny GUI for John the Ripper johnny-2.2
maskprocessor high-performance word generator with a per-position configurable charset Not found
medusa fast, parallel, modular, login brute-forcer for network services medusa-unstable-2018-12-16
mimikatz Uses admin rights on Windows to display passwords in plaintext Not found
ncrack High-speed network authentication cracking tool ncrack-0.7
onesixtyone fast and simple SNMP scanner onesixtyone-unstable-2019-12-26
ophcrack Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables (gui) Not found
ophcrack-cli Microsoft Windows password cracker using rainbow tables (cmdline) Not found
pack Password analysis and cracking kit Not found
pack2 Password analysis and cracking kit 2 Not found
passing-the-hash Patched tools to use password hashes as authentication input Not found
patator Multi-purpose brute-forcer python3.11-patator-1.0
pdfcrack PDF files password cracker pdfcrack-0.20
pipal Statistical analysis on password dumps Not found
polenum Extracts the password policy from a Windows system Not found
rainbowcrack Rainbow table password cracker Not found
rarcrack Password cracker for rar archives rarcrack-0.2
rcracki-mt Version of rcrack that supports hybrid and indexed tables Not found
rsmangler Wordlist mangling tool Not found
samdump2 Dump Windows 2k/NT/XP password hashes Not found
seclists Collection of multiple types of security lists seclists-2023.4
sipcrack SIP login dumper/cracker Not found
sipvicious tools to audit SIP based VoIP systems sipvicious-0.3.4
smbmap handy SMB enumeration tool smbmap-1.9.2
sqldict Dictionary attack tool for SQL Server Not found
statsprocessor word generator based on per-position Markov chains Not found
sucrack multithreaded su bruteforcer Not found
thc-pptp-bruter THC PPTP Brute Force Not found
truecrack Bruteforce password cracker for TrueCrypt volumes truecrack-3.6
twofi Twitter words of interest Not found
wordlists Contains the rockyou wordlist wordlists

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
backdoor-factory Patch 32/64 bits ELF & win32/64 binaries with shellcode Not found
cymothoa Stealth backdooring tool Not found
dbd Netcat clone with encryption Not found
dns2tcp TCP-over-DNS tunnel server and client Not found
exe2hexbat Convert EXE to bat Not found
iodine tool for tunneling IPv4 data through a DNS server iodine-unstable-2019-09-27
laudanum Collection of injectable web files Not found
mimikatz Uses admin rights on Windows to display passwords in plaintext Not found
miredo Teredo IPv6 tunneling through NATs miredo-1.2.6
nishang Collection of PowerShell scripts and payloads Not found
powersploit PowerShell Post-Exploitation Framework Not found
proxychains4 redirect connections through socks/http proxies (proxychains-ng) Not found
proxytunnel Help SSH and other protocols through HTTP(S) proxies Not found
ptunnel Tunnel TCP connections over ICMP packets Not found
pwnat NAT to NAT client-server communication pwnat-2023-03-31
sbd Secure backdoor for linux and windows Not found
shellter Not found
sslh Applicative protocol multiplexer sslh-2.0.1
stunnel4 Universal SSL tunnel for network daemons Not found
udptunnel tunnel UDP packets over a TCP connection udptunnel-19
veil Generates payloads to bypass anti-virus solutions Not found
webacoo Web backdoor cookie script kit Not found
weevely Stealth tiny web shell Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
clamav anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface clamav-1.2.1
cryptsetup disk encryption support - startup scripts cryptsetup-2.6.1
cryptsetup-initramfs disk encryption support - initramfs integration Not found
cryptsetup-nuke-password Erase the LUKS keys with a special password on the unlock prompt Not found
fwbuilder Firewall administration tool GUI fwbuilder-6.0.0-rc1

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
ddrescue data recovery and protection tool ddrescue-1.27
ext3grep tool to help recover deleted files on ext3 filesystems Not found
extundelete utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition extundelete-0.2.4
myrescue rescue data from damaged disks Not found
recoverdm recover files on disks with damaged sectors Not found
recoverjpeg recover JFIF (JPEG) pictures and MOV movies recoverjpeg-2.6.3
scrounge-ntfs Data recovery program for NTFS filesystems Not found
undbx tool to extract, recover and undelete e-mail messages from .dbx files Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
cutycapt utility to capture WebKit's rendering of a web page Not found
dradis Collaboration tools for penetration testing Not found
eyewitness Rapid web application triage tool Not found
faraday Collaborative Penetration Test IDE faraday-0.2.11-alpha
maltego maltego-4.6.0
metagoofil Tool designed for extracting metadata of public documents Not found
pipal Statistical analysis on password dumps Not found
recordmydesktop Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
ewf-tools collection of tools for reading and writing EWF files Not found
ghidra Software Reverse Engineering Framework ghidra-11.0
guymager Forensic imaging tool based on Qt Not found
hashrat hashing tool supporting several hashes and recursivity hashrat-1.15
impacket-scripts Links to useful impacket scripts examples Not found
netsniff-ng Linux network packet sniffer toolkit netsniff-ng-0.6.8

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
apktool tool for reverse engineering Android apk files apktool-2.9.2
bytecode-viewer Java 8+ Jar & Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite Not found
clang C, C++ and Objective-C compiler (LLVM based), clang binary clang-16.0.6
dex2jar Tools to work with android .dex and java .class files dex2jar-2.4
edb-debugger cross platform x86/x86-64 debugger Not found
jadx Dex to Java decompiler jadx-1.4.7
javasnoop Intercept Java applications locally Not found
jd-gui GUI Java .class decompiler jd-gui-1.6.6
metasploit-framework Framework for exploit development and vulnerability research metasploit-framework-6.3.48
ollydbg 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger Not found
radare2 free and advanced command line hexadecimal editor radare2-5.8.8
rizin-cutter reverse engineering platform powered by rizin Not found
rz-ghidra ghidra decompiler and sleigh disassembler for rizin Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
gnuradio GNU Radio Software Radio Toolkit gnuradio-
libfreefare-bin MIFARE card manipulations binaries libfreefare-0.4.0
libnfc-bin Near Field Communication (NFC) binaries libnfc-1.8.0
mfcuk MiFare Classic Universal toolKit mfcuk-0.3.8
mfoc MIFARE Classic offline cracker mfoc-0.10.7
mfterm Terminal for working with Mifare Classic 1-4k Tags Not found
proxmark3 Firmware, flasher, and client for the Proxmark3 proxmark3-4.17768
rfdump tool to decode RFID tag data Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
chirp Configuration tool for amateur radios chirp-unstable-2023-06-02
gnuradio GNU Radio Software Radio Toolkit gnuradio-
gqrx-sdr Software defined radio receiver gqrx-2.17.3
gr-air-modes Gnuradio Mode-S/ADS-B radio Not found
gr-iqbal GNU Radio Blind IQ imbalance estimator and correction Not found
gr-osmosdr Gnuradio blocks from the OsmoSDR project gr-osmosdr-0.2.4
hackrf Software defined radio peripheral - utilities hackrf-2023.01.1
inspectrum tool for visualising captured radio signals inspectrum-0.3.1
kalibrate-rtl Calculate local oscillator frequency offset using GSM base stations kalibrate-rtl-unstable-2022-02-02
multimon-ng digital radio transmission decoder multimon-ng-1.3.0
rtlsdr-scanner simple spectrum analyser for scanning with a RTL-SDR compatible USB device Not found
uhd-host universal hardware driver for Ettus Research products - host apps uhd-
uhd-images Various UHD Images Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
bettercap Complete, modular, portable and easily extensible MITM framework bettercap-2.32.0
darkstat network traffic analyzer darkstat-3.0.721
dnschef DNS proxy for penetration testers dnschef-0.4
driftnet picks out and displays images from network traffic driftnet-1.5.0
dsniff Various tools to sniff network traffic for cleartext insecurities dsniff-2.4b1
ettercap-graphical | ettercap-text-only ettercap-
ferret-sidejack Monitors data and extracts interesting data Not found
fiked Cisco VPN attack tool Not found
hamster-sidejack Sidejacking tool Not found
hexinject Versatile packet injector and sniffer Not found
isr-evilgrade Evilgrade framework Not found
macchanger utility for manipulating the MAC address of network interfaces macchanger-1.7.0
mitmproxy SSL-capable man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy python3.11-mitmproxy-10.1.6
netsniff-ng Linux network packet sniffer toolkit netsniff-ng-0.6.8
rebind DNS rebinding tool Not found
responder LLMNR/NBT-NS/mDNS Poisoner responder-
sniffjoke Transparent TCP connection scrambler Not found
sslsniff SSL/TLS man-in-the-middle attack tool Not found
sslsplit transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception sslsplit-0.5.5
tcpflow TCP flow recorder tcpflow-1.6.1
tcpreplay Tool to replay saved tcpdump files at arbitrary speeds tcpreplay-4.4.4
wifi-honey Wi-Fi honeypot Not found
wireshark network traffic analyzer - graphical interface wireshark-qt-4.2.2
yersinia Network vulnerabilities check software yersinia-unstable-2022-11-20

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
backdoor-factory Patch 32/64 bits ELF & win32/64 binaries with shellcode Not found
beef-xss Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) Not found
maltego maltego-4.6.0
msfpc MSFvenom Payload Creator (MSFPC) msfpc-1.4.5
set Social-Engineer Toolkit social-engineer-toolkit-8.0.3
veil Generates payloads to bypass anti-virus solutions Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
aircrack-ng wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities aircrack-ng-1.7
burpsuite platform for security testing of web applications burpsuite-2023.10.2.4
crackmapexec Swiss army knife for pentesting networks crackmapexec-5.4.0
hydra very fast network logon cracker thc-hydra-9.5
john active password cracking tool john-1.9.0-jumbo-1
metasploit-framework Framework for exploit development and vulnerability research metasploit-framework-6.3.48
nmap nmap-7.94
responder LLMNR/NBT-NS/mDNS Poisoner responder-
sqlmap automatic SQL injection tool python3.11-sqlmap-1.8
wireshark network traffic analyzer - graphical interface wireshark-qt-4.2.2

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
enumiax IAX protocol username enumerator Not found
iaxflood VoIP flooder tool Not found
inviteflood SIP/SDP INVITE message flooding over UDP/IP Not found
libfindrtp Library required by multiple VoIP tools Not found
nmap nmap-7.94
ohrwurm RTP fuzzer Not found
protos-sip SIP test suite Not found
rtpbreak Detects, reconstructs, and analyzes RTP sessions Not found
rtpflood Tool to flood any RTP device Not found
rtpinsertsound Inserts audio into a specified stream Not found
rtpmixsound Mixes pre-recorded audio in real-time Not found
sctpscan SCTP network scanner for discovery and security Not found
siparmyknife SIP fuzzing tool Not found
sipcrack SIP login dumper/cracker Not found
sipp Traffic generator for the SIP protocol sipp-3.6.1
sipvicious tools to audit SIP based VoIP systems sipvicious-0.3.4
voiphopper Runs a VLAN hop security test Not found
wireshark network traffic analyzer - graphical interface wireshark-qt-4.2.2

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
afl++ instrumentation-driven fuzzer for binary formats aflplusplus-4.09c
bed A network protocol fuzzer Not found
cisco-auditing-tool Scans Cisco routers for vulnerabilities Not found
cisco-global-exploiter Simple and fast Cisco exploitation tool Not found
cisco-ocs Mass Cisco scanner Not found
cisco-torch Cisco device scanner Not found
copy-router-config Copies Cisco configs via SNMP Not found
dhcpig DHCP exhaustion script using scapy network library Not found
enumiax IAX protocol username enumerator Not found
gvm remote network security auditor - metapackage and useful scripts Not found
iaxflood VoIP flooder tool Not found
inviteflood SIP/SDP INVITE message flooding over UDP/IP Not found
legion semi-automated network penetration testing tool Not found
lynis security auditing tool for Unix based systems lynis-3.0.9
nikto nikto-2.5.0
nmap nmap-7.94
ohrwurm RTP fuzzer Not found
peass Privilege Escalation Awesome Scripts SUITE Not found
protos-sip SIP test suite Not found
rtpbreak Detects, reconstructs, and analyzes RTP sessions Not found
rtpflood Tool to flood any RTP device Not found
rtpinsertsound Inserts audio into a specified stream Not found
rtpmixsound Mixes pre-recorded audio in real-time Not found
sctpscan SCTP network scanner for discovery and security Not found
sfuzz Black Box testing utilities Not found
siege HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility siege-4.1.6
siparmyknife SIP fuzzing tool Not found
sipp Traffic generator for the SIP protocol sipp-3.6.1
sipsak SIP Swiss army knife sipsak-
sipvicious tools to audit SIP based VoIP systems sipvicious-0.3.4
slowhttptest application layer Denial of Service attacks simulation tool slowhttptest-1.9.0
spike Network protocol fuzzer spike-1.1.0
t50 Multi-protocol packet injector tool Not found
thc-ssl-dos Stress tester for the SSL handshake Not found
unix-privesc-check Script to check for simple privilege escalation vectors Not found
voiphopper Runs a VLAN hop security test Not found
yersinia Network vulnerabilities check software yersinia-unstable-2022-11-20

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
apache-users Enumerate usernames on systems with Apache UserDir module apache-users-2.1
apache2 Apache HTTP Server apache-httpd-2.4.58
beef-xss Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) Not found
burpsuite platform for security testing of web applications burpsuite-2023.10.2.4
cadaver command-line WebDAV client cadaver-0.24
commix Automated All-in-One OS Command Injection and Exploitation Tool commix-3.8
cutycapt utility to capture WebKit's rendering of a web page Not found
davtest Testing tool for WebDAV servers davtest-1.0
default-mysql-server MySQL database server binaries and system database setup (metapackage) Not found
dirb URL bruteforcing tool dirb-2.22
dirbuster Web server directory brute-forcer Not found
dotdotpwn Directory Traversal Fuzzer. Not found
eyewitness Rapid web application triage tool Not found
ferret-sidejack Monitors data and extracts interesting data Not found
ftester Tool for testing firewalls and Intrusion Detection System (IDS) Not found
hakrawler Web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints and assets hakrawler-2.1
hamster-sidejack Sidejacking tool Not found
heartleech Scanner detecting systems vulnerable to the heartbleed OpenSSL bug Not found
httprint Not found
httrack Copy websites to your computer (Offline browser) httrack-3.49.2
hydra very fast network logon cracker thc-hydra-9.5
hydra-gtk very fast network logon cracker - GTK+ based GUI thc-hydra-9.5
jboss-autopwn JBoss script for obtaining remote shell access Not found
joomscan OWASP Joomla Vulnerability Scanner Project joomscan-unstable-2021-06-08
jsql-injection Java tool for automatic database injection Not found
laudanum Collection of injectable web files Not found
lbd Load balancer detector Not found
maltego maltego-4.6.0
medusa fast, parallel, modular, login brute-forcer for network services medusa-unstable-2018-12-16
mitmproxy SSL-capable man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy python3.11-mitmproxy-10.1.6
ncrack High-speed network authentication cracking tool ncrack-0.7
nikto nikto-2.5.0
nishang Collection of PowerShell scripts and payloads Not found
nmap nmap-7.94
oscanner Oracle assessment framework Not found
owasp-mantra-ff Not found
padbuster Script for performing Padding Oracle attacks padbuster-0.3.3
paros Web application proxy Not found
patator Multi-purpose brute-forcer python3.11-patator-1.0
php server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (default) php-8.2.14
php-mysql MySQL module for PHP [default] php-mysqlnd-8.2.14
proxychains4 redirect connections through socks/http proxies (proxychains-ng) Not found
proxytunnel Help SSH and other protocols through HTTP(S) proxies Not found
qsslcaudit test SSL/TLS clients how secure they are Not found
redsocks arbitrary TCP connection redirector to a SOCKS or HTTPS proxy server redsocks-0.5
sidguesser Guesses sids against an Oracle database Not found
siege HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility siege-4.1.6
skipfish fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool Not found
slowhttptest application layer Denial of Service attacks simulation tool slowhttptest-1.9.0
sqldict Dictionary attack tool for SQL Server Not found
sqlitebrowser GUI editor for SQLite databases sqlitebrowser-3.12.2
sqlmap automatic SQL injection tool python3.11-sqlmap-1.8
sqlninja SQL server injection and takeover tool Not found
sqlsus MySQL injection tool Not found
ssldump SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer ssldump-1.7
sslh Applicative protocol multiplexer sslh-2.0.1
sslscan Fast SSL scanner sslscan-2.1.2
sslsniff SSL/TLS man-in-the-middle attack tool Not found
sslsplit transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception sslsplit-0.5.5
sslyze Fast and full-featured SSL scanner Not found
stunnel4 Universal SSL tunnel for network daemons Not found
thc-ssl-dos Stress tester for the SSL handshake Not found
tlssled Evaluates the security of a target SSL/TLS (HTTPS) server Not found
tnscmd10g Tool to prod the oracle tnslsnr process Not found
uniscan LFI, RFI, and RCE vulnerability scanner Not found
wafw00f identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall products wafw00f-2.2.0
wapiti web application vulnerability scanner wapiti-3.1.8
watobo Semi-automated web application scanner Not found
webacoo Web backdoor cookie script kit Not found
webscarab Web application review tool Not found
webshells Collection of webshells Not found
weevely Stealth tiny web shell Not found
wfuzz Web application bruteforcer python3.11-wfuzz-3.1.0
whatweb Next generation web scanner whatweb-0.5.5
wireshark network traffic analyzer - graphical interface wireshark-qt-4.2.2
wpscan wpscan-3.8.25
xsser XSS testing framework xsser-1.8.4
zaproxy Testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications zap-2.14.0

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
dbd Netcat clone with encryption Not found
dnschef DNS proxy for penetration testers dnschef-0.4
heartleech Scanner detecting systems vulnerable to the heartbleed OpenSSL bug Not found
hyperion Runtime encrypter for 32-bit portable executables Not found
mimikatz Uses admin rights on Windows to display passwords in plaintext Not found
ncat-w32 Netcat for the 21st century Not found
ollydbg 32-bit assembler level analysing debugger Not found
powercat netcat features all in powershell v2 Not found
regripper perform forensic analysis of registry hives Not found
sbd Secure backdoor for linux and windows Not found
secure-socket-funneling-windows-binaries SSF - windows binaries Not found
shellter Not found
tftpd32 Open source ipv6-ready TFTP server for Windows Not found
wce Not found
windows-binaries Not found
windows-privesc-check Windows privilege escalation checking tool Not found

Kali Package Description Nix derivation
rfcat Swiss army knife of sub-GHz radio Not found
rfkill tool for enabling and disabling wireless devices Not found
sakis3g Tool for establishing 3G connections Not found
spectools Utilities for using the Wi-Spy USB spectrum analyzer hardware Not found
wireshark network traffic analyzer - graphical interface wireshark-qt-4.2.2